Higher Education

At KTech Products, we have a dedicated digital transformation practice for higher educational institutions designed to boost student retention, success and enrollments through business process optimization, exceptional customer service and improvements in staff productivity. We perform a detailed assessment of business processes, identify the areas of business transformation, and create a roadmap to meet the digital transformation goals.

Solutions for Higher Education

Student CRM Online Admissions Application Portal (“OAAP”)

A comprehensive solution that helps higher educational entities to manage their online admission applications efficiently – resulting in 80-90% faster completion of online applications and 80% faster processing of the applications leading to higher student retention and enrollments.

Read our OAAP Success Story.


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Transcript OCR to Student Information System (“DigiScript”)
DigiScript is an innovative solution that improves the higher education admission process by automating the student transcript data to Student Information System (SIS) in under 1 minute. DigiScript is powered by highly intelligent RPA & OCR Bots trained using AI/ML algorithms.

Read our DigiScript Success Story.
Chatbot for Applicants
KTech’s Chatbot for Applicants provides 24/7 Application Support, comes integrated with the online admissions application, and can be used for marketing about the University/College. The chatbot solution can be deployed within 2 months.

Contact us to schedule a demo.


Chatbot for Students
KTech’s Chatbot for Students can provide 24/7 service to the students and support their life at the campus and in the University programs. The chatbot can be easily integrated with websites, student systems, ERP, departments, and various enterprise applications to offer a wholesome experience to the students.

Contact us to schedule a demo.

A.I.-Powered Digital Transformation Solutions for Higher Education


Digi Campus is a comprehensive suite of applications built for the higher educational entities. It encompasses the end-to-end lifecycle of a student and consists of several applications, fully integrated with the backend ERP and/or Student Information Systems.